5 Self Care Tips to Brighten Your Day
Self-care is such an important aspect of our lives, so why is it so often overlooked? Oftentimes, we forget to take a moment to take a step back and genuinely assess how we can help ourselves to feel better. Self-care can seem overwhelming and difficult when rushing through our jam-packed days, however, these simple self-care practices you can add to your daily routine can help improve your days!
1. Wake up to something that makes you smile
Whether it be waking up to your favorite song, a cup of warm coffee, or a flaky pastry, make sure to start your day off right by enjoying your favorite things to get ready for the day. I know the feeling of wanting to press snooze one more time on that alarm after hearing it ring for the fifth time, which is why it is so important to start off your days with something to look forward to. This simple addition to your daily routine will not only give you something to be excited about, but it will also bring you stability in doing the same thing every day.
2. Take care of your skin
Although taking care of your skin may seem like an obvious way to care for yourself, it can many times be neglected. Because so many of us are rushing through our days, we forget to actually care for our hygiene. By paying attention to your skin you will not only be more mindful of your time but will also be working on your complexion, which in turn will boost your confidence.
3. Go for a 15-minute walk outside with the people you love
Being outside is an instant mood enhancer. The fresh air and low-pressure exercise will help to make you feel more positive and alive, and on top of that, you will be spending time with the people that make you feel the best.
4. Say NO!
It is more than okay to say no or to cancel/reschedule plans. Self-care means putting yourself first and doing things that make YOU feel good. Sometimes we get trapped in commitments that we might not always be excited for, simply because we couldn't say no, however it may be more beneficial to just sit with ourselves and enjoy a movie rather than going out to get drinks with the girls.
5. Get some more sleep
I know it may feel good to finish that final episode of your favorite show or to read just one more chapter of that book, but it is much more important to get enough sleep. Make sure you get to sleep at a reasonable hour and get those 8-10 hours of sleep that you deserve. Getting the amount of sleep you need will help you to feel more refreshed in the morning, allowing you to better enjoy the day and become more focused.
Image credit - Schantalao
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